venerdì 27 febbraio 2015

The Dead Awaken 1 - The Vampire (Blah! Blahblah!)

Hello everyone! After a long pause with my hobby for university commitments I've left apart the old projects to start a completely new warband for my Mordheim campaigns: Undeads!
I've never played or had interest in the warhammer world's vampires, but after I've joined a Vampire: The Masquerade (White Wolf's gdr), the inspiration for a Tzimisce Vampires (one of the vampiric clans of the gdr) warband rose naturally!
So I took some spare bits from my bits-box and started brainstorming in search for ideas for the first hero of the team: the vampire! I've surfed a bit the network and then I've found this beautiful artwork from Tim Bradstreet.

I had the artwork, I had the bits and the greenstuff, so I've started working putting bits together!
The base model I took was from an old Empire Cannon/ Mortar set that I had unused since I bought my first Warhammer box. In particular it was a mix of the cannon crew bits:

So with a bit of work I've cleaned the model and started working on hair and armour plaques:

I wanted my vampire to be as menacing as the artwork one, but I had to apply a bit the WYSIWYG and in my warband the vampire has an heavy armour, a sword and a shield, so I've choose to position and clothing changes in my model.

The vampire was slowly taking shape with foot and chest armours finished and the dress and arms in progress, (Yes, he looks a lot like Mickey Mouse with those big hands and thin arms.)
After some work on the guy and the realization of a proper base (which I choose to make like a cobblestone road with a metal sewer cover.)

Now this guy is ready to be painted, get a name, a background and start terrorizing the citizen of the Empire! 
I've in program to make a cobblestone base tutorial soon, cool for sewer and urban bases! 
Comment, like, share and follow if you found this post good (or bad XD) and see you next friday here on The Hamster's Lair!

venerdì 20 febbraio 2015

Hello Word 2.0

New name, new logo, new style... the blog once called "The Inner Plane" has changed shape into a beautiful (and really Evil) Hamster! 
Why all these changes? Because when I newly opened my abandoned blog with the idea of start writing on it again I thought that it would have needed a complete restyle. I chose a new name, more ironic than the last one, and more "fantasy" due to the theme of the blog, and so the new site came out from nowhere! (actually it took me a lot of work, but it was really fun!)
So welcome back if you were already my followers and simply welcome if you are new to "The Hamster's Lair"! I hope you'll enjoy reading my stuff and don't forget to share, comment or do whatever you prefer if you like what you see on this board! See you at the next update!

Next Week...