domenica 13 aprile 2014

Presenting the Warband: Kergal

The painting of the warband is going on a little slowly, thanks to my university exams and stuff, but I want to start presenting you the models, starting from the four heroes!
My Mordheim warband is called "The Sons of Nurgleth", a fiery group of sanguinious marauders from the Kurgan tribe that joins Tamurkhan and his host in the descent to the Great Cathay to find the Throne of Chaos. Every member has his own story and I want to briefly describe it to you! Let's start from the chieftain:

- Kergal the Flayed 

Kergal was born in a ferocious tribe of the north and in his youth has always proven to be a great warrior. One day, after an harsh battle against the rat-things that dwelled the mountains around the encampment, a little bruise in his arm, made probably from one of the skaven's rusted weapons, started to ache terribly, forcing Kergal to stay in his tent for the pain. After one day of extreme suffering, when his destiny was certain and the venom was slowly killing him, Nurgle met him, in an unusual way...
The day after the dying man rose from his tent with a renewed strenght and a foul smile, a mark on his chest.
The faith in Nurgle grants you lots of powers, but the price is big, the murderous trail that from that day Kergal brought after him left the marauder with a decayed and bloated body.
When Tamurkhan, the son of Kurgan, proclaimed himself as the heir of the Throne of Chaos, Kergal and his warband joined him, prepared to betray and kill the foul marauder in order to take his place on the Throne, all in the name of Nurgle. And with the start of my Mordheim Campaign, his story will be wrote...

See you the next post for the story of Rothgar, the Seer of the Sons of Nurgleth!

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