venerdì 20 marzo 2015

The Dead Awaken 4 - The Third Dreg

And here's the last post related to the heroes of my warband! One dreg's left and it's a particular one! When I started thinking of the model for my last dreg I choose to make something different from the other two. The Vampire needed a real warrior, a trained and strong soldier to defend his lair in the hours of sunlight. Sadly I couldn't change the stats of the dreg that are... poor? So I made a soldier, yes, but an old and tired one, a Sylvanian noble too afraid of death to remain loyal to the Empire during the Vampire Wars, pledging his alliance and servitude to a strong vampire who could give him the gift of eternal life. 
I've started as always searching in my bits box and what came out from there were bits from the old empire spearmen.

So I had the base for the model. I haven't made major changing to this with the gs work, because I intend to represent the "oldness" and the "traitorness" (lol!) of the miniature painting it more than modelling it. So after a little gs work here's the finished model!

It's a simple and fast work, but I think that fits his role well! 
See you next friday on my blog! Thanks for watching my content! Share, comment and follow! =D

venerdì 13 marzo 2015

The Dead Awaken 3 - The Hunchback Dregs

Hi everyone! I want to show you the next two heroes of my warband! Two poor dregs! It took me a lot of time to decide how two make them, the original Mordheim models are quite ugly but with a good vintage flavour, so finally I took my bits box and searched for inspiration in those plastic pieces.
 I wanted at least two of the three dregs of my warband to figure similar to the original ones, so with a bit of imagination (and glue) I've started working on the first one:

I wanted to make him like a miserable and quite dumb hunchback, so one of the corpses' heads of the corpse cart was perfect for represent a stupid creature. Plaguebearer's arms were good for a deformed man, so as the old night goblin's kit torso. The legs were from a spare chaos marauder. The base of the first dreg was made! It needed some fixing and it was ready!

So after some work he just needed a bag full of body parts and various equipment for the vampire to use (by background is likely their only use, searching for useful objects and carryingthings for their masters). And the first dreg was done!

The second dreg is armed with a two hands axe, made from a chaos marauder's one and to add a comic tone to the model I've represented him with two tiny arms (from the corpse cart) and with a fatty belly.

So after adding an horrible haircut, some bags on his back and resculpting the fingers on the axe staff also this guy was done!

Well, that's all for today! Hope that you enjoyed my works! Stay tuned for next week!

venerdì 6 marzo 2015

The Dead Awaken 2 - The Necromancer

Every good vampire in the Warhammer universe needs to be accompanied by a powerful necromancer, so who was I to stop this trend? So I started searching for a possible way to represent a dark warlock in a Tzimisce way, but in the end for my personal attachment to the classic figure of the necromancer and his minions I chose to keep him old style. So I took an old corpse cart I bought for making a Nurgle chariot/ Altar which had a little shrouded guy driving it and it was nearly done!
I had to rebuild the necromancer's staff, fix some details and add others (like the corpse-parts purse on his right). Finally I've made a scenic base that would rise up a bit the little and crouched miniature using a skeleton decoration of the corpse cart.

So here's my Necromancer, ready to  conquer the dark arts of the dead for his vampire lord. I can't wait to paint it! Hope that you like it! Comment, share and like if you want! See you next friday guys!